If you've ever thought of slipping into someone's DMs I highly recommend it.
A few months ago, I contacted Patton Oswalt on instagram and asked if needed a poster for his Dublin date (as I am in Dublin), unfortunately, he already had one but he asked for my portfolio anyway. Six months later I got the message in my inbox that I was dying to read.
Patton has worked with countless artists in the past on his posters (check them out on his website) and I am delighted to now be counted among them. A combination of pencil drawing from reference, procreate brushes courtesy of True Grit Texture Supply and a touch of Photoshop at the end I am really happy with where I have ended up as there were periods when I didn't think I would ever get it right. If you scroll through the pictures you can see where I started and how it evolved over time. A big part what made it work in the end were the retro halftone brushes which created those lovely texture patterns you can see in the close-ups.
18x24” prints are available through my website.